Network Termination - significado y definición. Qué es Network Termination
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Qué (quién) es Network Termination - definición


Network Termination         
(NT, NT1) A device connecting the customer's data or telephone equipment to the local ISDN exchange carrier's line. The NT device provides a connection for terminal equipment (TE) and terminal adaptor (TA) equipment to the local loop. (1994-11-30)
Network termination         
A network termination (NT) (also NTE for network termination equipment) is a device that connects the customer's data or telephone equipment to a carrier's line that comes into a building or an office. The NT device provides a connection for terminal equipment (TE) and terminal adapter (TA) equipment to the local loop.
Chain termination         
Termination reaction
Chain termination is any chemical reaction that ceases the formation of reactive intermediates in a chain propagation step in the course of a polymerization, effectively bringing it to a halt.


Network termination

A network termination (NT) (also NTE for network termination equipment) is a device that connects the customer's data or telephone equipment to a carrier's line that comes into a building or an office. The NT device provides a connection for terminal equipment (TE) and terminal adapter (TA) equipment to the local loop.

The network termination used in the specific case of an ISDN Basic Rate Interface is called an NT1.

Ejemplos de uso de Network Termination
1. Intracom Telecom will provide ISDN Network Termination units to ICE and RACSA telecom companies, the only fixed–line, mobile and Internet providers in Costa Rica, Intracom Telecom said in a statement. (Reuters) Deutsche Sees Retail IPOs Deutsche Bank, which managed more than $2 billion in Russian stock offerings last year, predicts retail, consumer and finance companies will lead record stock offerings in Russia this year.